Tips For Buying A Camping Blanket

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The Outdoorsy Camper Blog People who camp a lot are often described as "outdoorsy." We'd say this is a pretty accurate description. After all, camping is essentially sleeping outdoors. Sometimes, you might have a tent or even a cabin between you and the true wilderness, but that's still more outdoorsy than sleeping in a modern, well-equipped home. If you're interested in camping or consider yourself outdoorsy, then you've come to the right place. This is a blog about camping, so you're bound to enjoy it. Of course, you're welcome if you're not too outdoorsy and are just curious about camping, too. This is a good place to start learning.



When you go camping it is important to bring along gear appropriate for the weather you may encounter. Not having seasonally-appropriate gear can be the difference between spending a comfortable night in the woods and potentially freezing to death. Yes, it really is that serious!

Many inexperienced campers have gone out unprepared and spent a chilly night on the side of a mountain or huddled in their car trying to stay dry. You can avoid this fate by taking the time to consider the conditions you will encounter and take along the gear that is appropriate.

If you've decided a camping blanket would be a nice addition to your camping gear, then here are some tips for selecting and caring for one:

Purchase a Seasonally-Appropriate Camping Blanket

When shopping for a camping blanket it is important to consider where and when you plan to use it. Will you be doing some winter camping during ski season or perhaps spending some warm summer nights next to a lake?

Just as sleeping bags are rated for use down to a certain temperature, so are camping blankets.

For example, manufacturers of down and wool camping blankets make their products warm enough to be used in freezing conditions. Meanwhile, manufacturers who produce blankets made of cotton or manmade fibers expect theirs will be used in warmer weather.

If you will be camping in the rain, then buying a cold-weather or warm-weather camping blanket that is waterproof will ensure you stay dry and warm.

Know How to Properly Care for a Camping Blanket

Once you have found the perfect blanket for your next camping adventure, then it is important to know how to properly care for it. 

For example, camping blankets made of cotton or polyester can be washed in your washing machine and dried in the dryer. If the blanket is too large for your machine, a local laundromat will have larger capacity machines.

Alternatively, down camping blanket manufacturers often suggest dry cleaning their blankets to protect the feathers they are made of. If your down blanket suggests dry cleaning that's the best thing you can do for its longevity.

Lastly, it is vital you always store any camping blankets dry and free from any residual moisture from dew or rain. If you don't thoroughly dry out the blanket before folding or rolling it up, then you may arrive home to find mold or mildew has started to grow. 

For more information, contact a local camping blanket manufacturer

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